Tuesday 19 February 2013

School Run Etiquette...

Hello again,

Lets talk about school run etiquette because frankly, i have none.

In the space of time since Danny started in reception last September i have gone from full hair and make up, best clothes only to pyjamas, slippers and hair net. Alright not quite that drastic but give it time, he's only in year 1.

So here it is, these days i have to choose which is more important:

*Giving the boys the breakfast they choose  VERSUS  Straightening my hair

*Feeding the baby VERSUS finding a well matched outfit

*Making and drinking a desperately needed coffee VERSUS applying make up

* Convincing the boys they need to wear coats in the hammering rain VERSUS brushing my teeth

I know, sounds drastic doesn't it, but let me tell you that it should be an Olympic event getting 4 boys (2 babies and the other 2 completely unwilling) Fed, washed, dressed and to school on time. OK, i probably manage the on time bit about twice a week although we are never so late that the school day has started.

It doesn't help that i don't have a set breakfast routine, I would rather feed the boys what they want for breakfast (within reason) and know that they will not be hungry, than try and get them to eat what i want them to and then they be hungry during the day. This results in me making cheese on toast for breakfast more than once a week. Whilst we are on the breakfast subject, who made the rule that the 2 boys that are old enough to choose must never have the same breakfast. I mean if one of them accidentally wants the same as their brother, they will go out of their way to change their minds so that Mummy  (who clearly has too easy a time in the morning) has to make separate breakfasts every single day.

Lets make a confession, once whilst i was 8 months pregnant with Sonny (number 3) i wore my pyjamas with a tracksuit over the top on the school run just because it meant approximately 68 seconds less time taken to get back into bed once i got home.

Only last week i wore my husbands clothes for the school run because Jack threw up over me around 3 seconds before we were due to leave. Picture this, Men's jeans, a men's jacket and body warmer with hair scraped back into a greasy ponytail. I came straight home, showered and changed but the mums at the school gates wouldn't have known that.

So basically the moral of the story is, If you see a mum at the school gates who possibly doesn't look their best, don't judge. They could have been literally running around like a mad woman all morning and not had time for themselves. Trust me, its not down to laziness that i look like a tramp most mornings and i know that some of you will say to get up earlier (but then that would be those of you that don't have a 3 month old baby)

I used to be really hung up on looking my best for the school run but as long as Taylor chooses cheese on toast then i choose a greasy ponytail!!!

Yummy or Slummy  Which one are you?...


  1. Everybody is a little bit slummy ;) or at least have slummy days hahaha!! Thank you.
