Saturday 16 March 2013

30 Day Shred - Day 1 (Contains Excessive Swearing)

So going on from my Big Fat Fatty post, the 30 day shred DVD has arrived. It came this morning and i wanted to get started as soon as the boys were settled for the night. I watched it through this morning to see what i had in store and honestly thought "20 minutes of this, piece of piss"!!

If you search 30 day shred on the Internet you can find out the basics, it's a 20 minute workout from Jillian Michaels (shes a trainer from the programme Biggest Loser US) i have to say that i did go a bit gay when i saw the 3 girls on the workout and also had extreme ab envy.

So for those of you that don't know me personally, I'm very competitive, competitive to the point that the children cant beat me in a race. You know, most decent parents would let them win but i couldn't possibly as that means i would lose. Anyway i digress...

So at the start of the 20 minutes i actually said out loud to the DVD, come on then you fat slag bring it on!!

Then we started and it was hard!! I have realised that i am very unfit, i have no muscles and i am a big fat wimp. Jillian says on the DVD: "there are no breaks, if you want to only work out for 20 minutes then you work out for the whole 20 minutes" i took this as a personal challenge and refused to stop and kept pace with the easy girl (not easy in the sleep around sense, you're told to follow her for the gentler workout) there is also a hardcore girl going full pelt on every exercise.

 My Plan is :

Week 1: Follow the easy girl on stage 1
Week 2 :Follow the hardcore girl on stage 1
Week 3 :Follow the hardcore girl on stage 2
Week 4 :Follow the hardcore girl on stage 3
Week 5: Acquire a modelling contract from an international modelling agency

I swore a bit more, felt a bit wobbly and lightheaded and stretched muscles i honestly had forgotten i had. So now i'm 1 day down and 29 more to go. I plan to tell you all about it every day but maybe with less swearing (or maybe not)...